a donate and keep pile to help declutter a mess

Tips For Getting Rid Of Junk Before A Move

Moving can be a stressful time, but on the upside, it forces you to get rid of all the junk you’ve been holding onto. Removing your junk and clutter should be your priority before you move. It’s also easier and cheaper when you have less to pack and load onto the moving truck.  There are many reasons why you may need junk removal, and preparing for a move is definitely one of them! Decluttering before moving can be a long process, but it’s worth it. Read for helpful tips on getting rid of junk before moving!

Get Motivated

Decluttering can be overwhelming and emotional especially if you are moving. Remind yourself of how great it will feel to be more organized, save money, and possibly make some money, and start fresh in your new place.

Don’t Procrastinate

One of the top mistakes is putting off getting rid of your clutter. Or not realizing how much clutter there is and how long it will take. That’s why is it important to plan accordingly to get rid of the clutter early. Depending on the size of your home or apartment, you may want to start at least two, six, or even 12 months before your move. This will allow the process to be a lot less intense and stressful, give yourself time.

Start In Rooms You Use The Least

A great way to start is in the rooms you use the least. Start with your basement, attic, or garage. Go through one room at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed. Starting with either the basement, attic, or garage you can learn how to value the purpose of your belongings. By the time you get to the more important things, you will be a pro in decluttering. While starting in the spaces you don’t use often, you can pack up the things you keep so you have a head start on moving.

Use The Power Of Piles

Here are a few examples of piles you might want to use to categorize your things as you go through them:

Keep Pile

Things you are keeping you can put back in an organized place or start boxing it away for your move to save yourself time when it comes to packing.

Donate Pile

Whatever you can’t sell can be donated. Try taking clothes and smaller items like sports equipment and microwaves to local thrift stores.

Sell Pile

If you have some things to get rid of that are still in good shape, sell them to make some extra money. Try hosting a garage sale or listing the items online through ecommerce.

Trash Pile

If you couldn’t sell it or donate it, or if it’s broken or unusable, it’s probably time to throw it away. Call Flannery’s Handyman for junk removal services! It is a quick solution if you have big items like furniture.

Schedule Your Move With Flannery’s Handymen

After you declutter, it is time to think about how your move will go. The decision to hire a professional mover can be beneficial for a smooth move. From expert handling of your belongings to maintaining a structured schedule and reducing overall stress, our team of professionals is here to help you move with ease. Learn more about our moving services for Salem, MA, and the North Shore residents, or call us for a free quote today! 781-775-9943