older couple packing up boxes during their move

The Most Common Packing Mistakes For A Move

Packing for a move or college move-out can be super stressful. Not only are you preparing for your next chapter ahead, but you have to go through and sort all your current home items into boxes. It may be challenging to sort your items accordingly into different boxes and stay organized as you pack up. Moving into a new home, whether downsizing or upgrading, can be stressful to try and pack on your own. Discover the most common packing mistakes for a move below and how Flannery’s Handymen can help you transport those items safely!

Not Labeling Boxes

Not labeling the boxes in which you are packing stuff is a rookie mistake! When you arrive at your new place, you want to be able to find the right category of boxes for your items. Label kitchen items “kitchen”, living room items “living room”, etc. This will allow you to easily find and identify the items you need and place them in their corresponding room in the new house. No worrying about what’s inside which box and forgetting any essential items back in your current location as you slowly start to transfer your items to your new place. Organization is key when it comes to packing and moving from one place to another; labeling can make the process so much easier!

Running Out of Moving/Packing Supplies

Running out of moving and packing supplies is a nightmare! Ensure you have the right amount of supplies you need, with extra just in case! Packing for each room can be overwhelming, but having enough supplies like tape, boxes, bubble wrap, etc., will ensure your items get sorted and packed safely and arrive intact at your new destination. It may be hard to estimate how many boxes you will need to pack up your current living space, but it doesn’t hurt to overestimate, so you have extras in case some items need to be separated into their own boxes. 

Waiting Too Long To Pack Up

Waiting until the last minute to pack up your home for your move can add more stress to an already stressful time. When it comes to moving, procrastination is not your friend. Plan ahead and make a list or plan of what you’ll pack and on what days. Giving yourself a set plan and timeline will allow you to stay on track without getting overwhelmed and having to pack up too much in one day. Avoid delaying your home cleanup and packing process, as it will only make things worse and more stressful as the moving date sneaks up on you. 

Packing Up Your Essential Items

Many people will pack up essential items like toothbrushes, toilet paper, paper towels, clothes, etc. that are essential items you still need as your in your current home. Packing can be so overwhelming for most people that they often don’t know where to begin. Avoid packing up essential items and keep those so you have them until your very last day living in your current home. This will allow you to focus on larger items that you do not need to survive and can get those out of the way first. 

Not Researching Professional Movers

Avoiding hiring movers will make your packing and moving prowess extra challenging. No one should have to pack up, clean, and move on their own. The help of professional movers takes a bunch of stress away from the process as they are licensed and insured to guarantee your items arrive safely. Don’t risk hurting your back trying to lift heavy and awkward items—instead, research quality and reliable movers in your local area. Flannery’s Handymen helps Salem, MA, and the North Shore area with college moves, apartment, and home moves. Learn more and call us for a free quote today!

Hire Movers For Your Upcoming Move Today

Looking for help moving the items you’ve successfully packed up in your home? Flannery’s Handymen is here to help. Our team of professional movers is strong yet gentle at lifting and removing any large or small items from your home. We will load up our trucks and carry all your items into your new destination without you having to lift a finger! Whether you’re moving commercially or residentially, our team can help. Learn more about our moving company and request a free quote today!