hoarder home cleanout with items stacked in a dumpster bin

How To Help A Hoarder

Hoarding is a disorder that affects not only the individual involved but also their loved ones. It can lead to cluttered living spaces and cause frustration for everyone. Understanding how to support someone with hoarding tendencies can be overwhelming, but don’t worry, this guide is here to help. Here’s everything you need to know about how to help a hoarder.

Understand Hoarding

It is important to understand hoarding before proceeding with any discussions. Hoarding is more than just a room full of junk; it has a deeper meaning. Those who hoard often have difficulty parting with items on a mental level. Their hoarding rarely relates to the item’s cost or rarity but rather to a deeper emotional connection. 

Be Sympathetic

Since hoarders often have a deeper connection with their items, it’s important to approach discussions with sympathy.  What you might consider junk, a hoarder may have a significant emotional bond with.  Hoarding is a complex issue, and changing habits takes time. Be sympathetic and avoid rushing the process.

Develop A Plan

Instead of insisting on throwing everything out, work together to develop a plan. This approach will help the hoarder feel supported rather than pressured. Begin with small goals to avoid overwhelming them with change. For example, start with one closet instead of an entire room, or tackle a few small boxes rather than larger ones.

Establish A Schedule

It may also be helpful to set a regular schedule for decluttering, such as one day a week or a few times a month. Starting slowly allows the hoarder to gradually come to terms with parting with certain items, rather than tackling everything at once. A schedule helps them stay accountable and on track while removing the element of surprise.

Honor Their Decisions

Chances are, a hoarder is not going to throw everything out, so instead of becoming frustrated, respect their choices. Start by supporting them with items they are comfortable letting go of rather than forcing them to part with things that hold significant meaning. If they feel that you are honoring their decisions, they are more likely to work with you rather than against you.

Reach Out for Help

Helping a hoarder can be challenging, and feeling overwhelmed is normal. If the process becomes too much, consider seeking support. From advice to creating a tailored plan, professional help can guide you through the journey of helping a hoarder.

If you’re feeling stressed by this process or need to support yourself, we’re here to help. Our team can assist you in achieving a more organized and fulfilling life for yourself or your loved ones. Reach out to Flannery’s in Salem, MA, and the North Shore today to get started.